It has been a very long week. We have been extremely
I feel completely drained mentally, physically, and emotionally. Though it feels like more than that. It feels as though I was drained of everything good within me.
As the bitterness began to take hold Jesus reminded me of the sacrifices He made for me:
While praying my rosary, I turned to the Sorrowful Mysteries, as I often do when I feel exhausted and defeated.
The Scourging stood out vividly.
Then Pilate took Jesus and had H
John 19:1im scourged.
I always picture them using the Cat-of-Nine-Tails type of whip. Several cords bound together and very often embedded with glass and metal. A device created to inflict the most harm possible.
I imagined Jesus tied to a post while a Roman Soldier strikes Him over and over again. It is gruesome and bloody. Horrific to imagine. The soldier is relentless and even seems to take pleasure out of beating my Lord. His flesh is torn in gaping wounds. Each blow weakens Him more and more.
The deafening shouts of the crowd drowns out His cries of shear agony.
But His words echoed in my mind, “This is the beating I took for you. You could not take one small beating for my sake?”
It was a brutal beating that Jesus endured willingly. Lovingly. Heroically. A beating that, literally, tore Him to pieces.

I did take a beating this week, but nowhere near the same degree or intensity as I was graphically reminded.
What Jesus endured willingly, I endured begrudgingly.
What Jesus endured lovingly, I endured resentfully.
What Jesus endured Heroically, I endured weakly.
Moments like these are humbling because they paint a vivid picture of the perfection of Christ while at the same time showing my complete unworthiness.
It is
Thrive in Jesus my Friends!