This week I was focusing on deceits of the devil. Particularly subtle deceits in my life. I have been begging the Lord to reveal to me the things that I do wrong, without my knowledge. The things I don’t notice I am doing.

The Sermon On the Mount
While meditating on the Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5), Verse 41 really stood out to me:
Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow. –Matthew 5:41
I do not struggle with the action of going the extra mile. I always go over and above what is expected of me, almost to a fault. I have worked myself into the ground on more than one occasion. I always say, “Yes.”
My subtle deceit is that I tend to allow bitterness and resentment to take hold when I am asked over and over again to keep doing more. It compounds and creates in me an atmosphere that is not Christ-like. But rather a heart full of contempt, annoyance, and anger.
My Contemplation
Jesus on the cross came into my mind. I am kneeling before Him, and I pull out a paper scroll. I unroll it, and just like in the cartoons, it rolls out way longer than it appeared it should. It just keeps going and going.
On it, is a list of all the things I ask Jesus for. So, many things. I begin asking each one down the list. Kneeling as Jesus is dying on the cross. But I don’t really take notice, I’m busy reciting my list to Him.
As He is dying on the cross…. And I am busy reciting my list….
It was here that it hit me.
I look up at Him, in agony on the cross. I ask Jesus for so much, He went way farther than Two Miles for my pitiful sake. I ask so much of Him, and He freely and lovingly gives it all. Without bitterness, without contempt, without anger, without resentment… While dying on the cross.
The One
It was here the words “The One” stuck out to me. Who is the “One” who asks? My boss? My friends? My husband? My family? Strangers?
The “ONE” is Jesus.
He is the ONE who asks everything of me. He is the ONE who asks me to give more and more of myself to Him. If Jesus was in front of me, physically asking me to do any of the number of things I am asked to do on a daily basis, would I refuse Him? Would I say Yes with bitterness? No, I would not. If He was the ONE asking I would do whatever He asked joyfully and without resentment.
I tried to picture Jesus in the place of everyone who asked anything of me this week. It gave me a great deal more peace, though still incredibly difficult. Jesus is the One who asks all things and He wants you to go the extra mile for His sake.
So the words of St. John of the Cross struck me deeply….

Remember He was asked to carry the whole world and He did so, willingly, compassionately, and with the greatest love. So, I need to silence my pride, pick up my cross, and follow Him.
Thrive in Jesus, my friends.
What crosses does He ask you to carry? Do you struggle with doing tasks for others? How do you increase your love for your neighbor?
If you would like to read and pray a personal mediation associated with this Contemplation, go here.
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