Our Holy Mother holds a very special place in my heart. It was her gentle guidance that brought me to see how much I was hurting her Son, and prompted my journey to grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mondays, therefore, I like to dedicate in a special way to the Blessed Mother. I call them Marian Mondays!
So, I will share some of my favorite quotes concerning Our Holy Mother each Monday!
Check back often as I will be adding to this page!
St. Bernard

St. Bonaventure
“Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.”

St. Bridget
“You are My Mother, the Mother of Mercy, and the consolation of the souls in Purgatory.”

St. Francis De Sales
“Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.”

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen
St. Jerome
“Even while living in this world, the heart of Mary was so filled with tenderness and compassion for men, that no one ever suffered so much for his own pains as Mary suffered for the pains of others.”

St. John Eudes
”A man is no true Christian if he has no devotion to the Mother of Jesus Christ.”

St. John Vianney

St. Louis De Montfort
“Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost the greatest thing which has been or ever will be – a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the greatest saints that there will be in the end of time.”

“The Son of God became man for our salvation but only in Mary and through Mary.”

St. Maximilian Kolbe
”Jesus honored her before all ages, and will honor her for all ages. No one comes to Him, nor even near Him, no one is saved or sanctified, if he too will not honor her. This is the lot of Angels and of men.”

St. Padre Pio
“May the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, always smile on your spirit, obtaining for it, from her Most Holy Son, every heavenly blessing.”

St. Therese of Lisieux
“In trial or difficulty, I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
“As mariners are guided into port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided to heaven by Mary.”