Preparing For Lent

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A Contemplation From The Cleansing of the Temple

Sometimes I feel like there should be a preparation time before Lent.  That I need to prepare for the preparation for Easter.  Silly, I know, but Lent is a time of deep spiritual cleansing and I find myself needing some mental preparation for this.

If you have followed me at all I am sure it is pretty clear how much I adore the Passion of Our Lord, so as much as I struggle with Advent and Christmas I feel the exact opposite during Lent and Easter.

This does not mean I do not struggle with performing penance and mortification.  “The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,” is my motto all the time and a prayer I often lift to heaven.

But the Lord showed me while meditating on the cleansing of the temple that I need to keep driving out that which draws me away from Him.  

The Cleansing of the Temple

Since the Passover of the Jews was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.  He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money-changers seated there.  He made a whip out of cords and drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and oxen, and spilled the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables, and to those who sold doves He said, “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.”  His disciples recalled the words of scripture, “Zeal for your house will consume me.”  At this the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign can You show us for doing this?”  Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.”  The Jews said, “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and You will raise it up in three days?”  But He was speaking about the temple of His body.  Therefore, when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this, and they came to believe the scripture and the word Jesus had spoken.

-John 2:13-22

My Contemplation

I arrive at the temple to pray.  I am very anxious and worried.  I need a quiet place to make some decisions.  But I soon realize as I walk past all the animals, that quiet may not happen.  The sheep, oxen, and doves are so loud.  Their cries, lows, and cooing echo off the temple walls.  People are bartering and arguing.  

There is so much noise.

I find a semi-quiet place to kneel and pray, but I have trouble focusing.  All the commotion behind me is very distracting.  I keep trying to pray, but I just cannot.  My eyes are closed, willing my heart and mind to focus.

When I hear someone kneel down next to me.  I look and see Jesus kneeling about an arm’s length from me.  He has in His hands three cords of long leather.  His eyes are closed holding the cords out as if He is offering them to God.

I close my eyes and try to focus again.  In my heart, I beg God for peace.  I beg Him to take all my worry and anxiety.  I beg Him to help me decide.  I beg Him to help get me unstuck.

“What do you pray for?”  Jesus asks me gently. (Of course, He already knows.)

I look at Him startled.  I watch as He braids the cords together.  Slow and skillfully. Deliberately.

“Peace,” I reply.

“Worry no more about it,” He commands still braiding, “Everything is taken care of.”


He finishes the braid and ties a knot in the end.  He turns to me and says forcefully, but reassuringly, “Everything.”

He then gets up and begins driving out the animals and the sellers.  Overturning the tables of the money changers.  They all curse Him and demand an explanation.    After He has finished speaking with them, He comes back and kneels right next to me to pray.

And I have peace.

Prepare For Lent

Lent is right around the corner.  As I said above, it is supposed to be a time of deep spiritual cleansing.  It is a time to really focus on removing that which keeps us from God and really work hard on our failings.

I’m not saying that you should not strive for this every day.  Lent is a good time to get into the correct mindset for the removal of sinful behavior from our lives as we remember the greatest act of love ever given on earth.  The Passion and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I challenge you to prepare for Lent so that it can be a time to drive out, with righteous anger, all that keeps you from God.  I challenged you to get to know the Lord in a deeper, more intimate, and personal way.

We can begin this during Lent by choosing and committing to a fruitful penance.

Five Steps For Determining A Fruitful Lenten Penance

Examination of Conscience-  Sit down and go through a detailed Examination of Conscience.  (I like this one, but there are many others you can find on the internet.)  I find it helpful to write down my sins to take to confession with me.  This is because I will be all ready for confession and my brain goes completely blank as soon as I enter the confessional!  After your confession throw those sins away, they are forgiven!  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see your sins.  Ask Him to help you answer the questions truthfully and feel sorrow for committing them.  Going through an Examination of Conscience will allow you to see patterns in your behavior, helping with the next step.

What is your Predominant Fault?- We all have a predominate fault.  It is a sin that you succumb to the most.  The sin you return to.  The sin that the devil most often tempts you with.  Mine is gluttony.  This does not always mean food, though it is a big one for me for sure.  It applies to anything I find comfort in or that I consider “good.”  I always want more. It could be for TV, affection, admiration, craft supplies…. etc.  I have been told, jokingly, that I am a “Glutton for Punishment,” especially at work.  Upon reflection, this was fueled by my gluttonous desire for respect and praise.  Take some time to meditate on the 7 Deadly Sins.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you which one is your Predominant Fault.

Meditate On the Opposite Virtue- Once you have determined your Predominate Fault take some time to meditate on the opposite virtue.  This will be the virtue that combats the sin you struggle with the most.  The opposite of gluttony, for example, is Temperance.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you deeper wisdom of this virtue and show you ways to implement and practice it in your life.  

Determine Lenten PenanceNow that you know what your predominant fault is, the virtue that combats it, and maybe some ideas of how to start implementing it into your life, it is time to pick a Lenten Penance.  I think it is important to put some real thought and prayer into it.  Of course, you could pick something like giving up chocolate or TV, and it would be good in its own respect, but why not strive for better?  For deeper?  More fruitful?  Make a list of all the possible penances you could take up for Lent this year.  Keeping in mind all that you have meditated on in the previous steps.  Then take that list and ask the Lord to tell you which one HE wants you to take up.  Ask Him which one will be the most fruitful.  Ask Him which one will draw you the most closely to Him.

I hope these suggestions will help you move into Lent with a new purpose and determination.  That you will have a willingness to let go of that which draws you away from God the most and a deeper desire to get to know Him.

Open your heart to Him this Lent and beg Him to drive everything out of you, with a righteous anger, that is not of Him.

Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!

I would love to hear what you are taking up as a penance for Lent this year!  Leave me a comment and let me know!



2 thoughts on “Preparing For Lent

  1. Awesome article! For my penance I will give up TV and put limits on electronics in general. Also pray more through Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary everyday. And also the St Joseph Consecration.

    1. Those are some wonderful penance ideas! I have attempted the Liturgy of The Hours before but never seem to able to stick with it! I may have to consider that one for myself! I pray you have a blessed day!

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