Not that long ago I was struggling with a skin infection on my face and neck. I’m not exactly sure how it started, but I suffered for well over a month. My chin, neck, and a small portion of my left cheek were so red, enflamed, and itchy. It was driving me crazy!
I tried everything! Moisturizer, essential oils, coconut oil, olive oil, facial scrubs, an over-the-counter eczema cream, an old anti-fungal/steroid cream I had laying around (which a least helped with the itch.)
It was causing me a great deal of anxiety, frustration, distress, and shame. I felt like everyone must be staring at it, even though everyone I know was kind enough not to mention it.
So, of course, my brain automatically goes to, “I am going to have this forever! It is never going to go away!”
The poor me attitude crept in and took over my life.

Why didn’t I just go to the doctor right away, you ask?
Several reasons, I suppose, pride being at the top of the list. I so often rely upon myself, thinking I can handle it. I can take care of it. No need for anyone else.
But I was failing miserably at this and causing myself a great deal of extra torment.
It was while I was praying my rosary one night, begging Jesus to remove the rash, that He touched me during my favorite Mystery of the Rosary:
During the Crowning With Thorns, I imagine Jesus standing there in the center of the praetorium. I am standing in the crowd, close to the door that leads out into the courtyard. I watch as a soldier maliciously presses the thorns unto His head.
They turn Him towards the door and shove Him, laughing and mocking Him. They strike Him again and shove Him right towards me.
Jesus stands upright, reaches out and gently takes my chin in His hand, right where my rash is broken out.
He holds my face so I can look into His. I gaze into His beaten, bruised, and bloody face. I can see the thorns piercing His forehead. I watch as blood drips down the side of His face.
Tears begin to fall down my cheeks, and the soldiers shove Him out the door past me. Jesus leaves a mark on my face with the blood from His hands, exactly where my rash would have been.
I wept here as He gave me a reality check. I realize how much He suffered for me and how distracted I had become. I was so caught up in my own vanity and was being so self-absorbed.
I had lost sight of His Most Holy Face.

His Most Holy Face was so disfigured during His passion and death. Yet, I cannot see past my very small, in comparison, red rash.
How easy it is to forget and lose sight of Him. How broken am I? How fallen? How sinful?
In case you were wondering, the Lord did grant my request and healed me.
My doctor prescribed NEOSPORIN! *Facepalm*
So, simple…. the cure was so simple…. Which goes to show how I so often make things complicated and get in my own way, by trying to depend upon myself instead of turning to Jesus.
Thrive in Jesus, my Friends!