Hi, I’m Lily!

Welcome to my blog!
I am so happy you decided to stop by! I am so excited to be able to share my personal relationship with Jesus with you, in the hopes that You will be able to encounter Him in the lifechanging way I have!
A little about myself….
I married my husband, Justin, in 2010, and welcomed his two sons, Tyler and Jordan, into my life with great joy! We live with our dogs: Bella and Max. Our cat: Libby. And Horses: Dot and Beauty!

I am what would be called a highly-sensitive-introverted-people-pleaser. This has pros and cons of course, which I hope to cover in the future.
I was the “Horse Girl” in school. Every class has one… That girl that is completely obsessed horses. She has pictures of horses posted all over her room. She has read every horse book that exists. She can riddle off facts about horses like google. She can tell you what breed of horse is standing out in the field as you drive by.
Yea… that was me…. and still am….
I have been worked for the US Postal Service as a Mail Carrier for 5 years and only recently took a position as a USPS Clerk in a tiny little office in North Carolina!
I was baptized and raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school all through grade school, and went to a Catholic High School. We went to Mass every week, and I was an alter server right up through my senior year. I attended Religious education. I received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Marriage. I have always believed in God, but even going through all these things I didn’t have a relationship with God. They don’t teach you how to do that in school.
I fell away from the church when I went to college. I stopped attending Mass and let life get in the way and become more important than God.
I lost sight of what was truly important….
I lost sight of His love for me….
I lost sight of His plan for me….
Lucky, for me He doesn’t give up!

He bought me back to Him through a great deal of suffering and trials that made me realize that I cannot do anything without Him. He has healed me of many problems- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I owe everything to His unending love and mercy.
God has been pushing me to start this blog to share my own personal relationship with Jesus because I have learned that personal Faith Sharing is powerful!
It is through Contemplative Prayer, in particular, that I have developed a deep intimate relationship with Jesus, and hope you will too!
I feel I have been called to help other women to encounter Jesus personally in order to love Him more deeply, know Him more intimately, and follow Him more closely.
I will share inspiration, information, personal experiences, and a great deal of prayer to help women encounter Jesus in their own lives!
I suggest you start Here:
Can’t wait to get started!